Bootstrap Image Preview


刊登日期:2016-10-12 │ 點閱率:2538

Task:Story Telling Through A Picture
Direction: In this assignment, you will tell a story based on the following picture and write a 120 to 150-word paragraph.  The first sentence should be a topic sentence, i.e., the main idea, of your paragraph.  In the rest of the paragraph, you should support the topic sentence with necessary details.

Please click the following link (,r83-1.php?Lang=zh-tw) to view the picture.


105/10/12(三) ~ 105/11/02(三) 同學登入「閱讀寫作系統」輸入英文作文
105/10/24(一) ~ 105/11/13(日) 同儕、課程助教,進行英文作文評閱
105/11/07(一) ~ 105/11/20(日) 教師進行英文作文評閱


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